The student must complete the minimum course work requirements of the Graduate Council (48 credit hours beyond the baccalaureate degree, or 24 credit hours beyond the master's degree), including at least 9 credit hours of 500- or 600-level courses outside of anthropology, distributed as appropriate to the individual's program of study. A minimum of 12 of the 24, or 30 of the 48 credit hours of coursework must be graded A-F. Coursework must include the three core classes taken in the first year,ANTH?510?-?Method and Theory in Cultural Anthropology;?ANTH?560?-?Theory in Archaeology; andANTH?590?-?Method and Theory in Biological Anthropology.

    All PhD students must attend the graduate section of the visiting lecturer program (ANTH 550) each year until they are admitted to candidacy.
    A formal performance review of each PhD graduate student's progress will take place each year.
    Two graduate courses in statistics, usually?STAT 537?and?STAT 538?or?ANTH 504?and?ANTH 604. Courses in research methods, information technology or GIS may be substituted for these requirements, as approved by the student's doctoral committee and the department head.
    Pass a comprehensive oral and written examination designed to test for adequate knowledge in those areas essential to the student's research program, upon which the student is admitted to candidacy.