Individual would work with their graduate advisor to submit a manuscript containing their initial original research efforts to a scientific peer-reviewed journal. Submitted manuscript would then be formatted into a thesis for presentation of an oral defense. Upon completion of MS degree requirements (24 graduate credit hours + 6 credit hours of?ANSC 500), the individual would complete PhD requirements as outlined in departmental graduate student handbook.

The student and major professor select the graduate advisory committee which must be comprised of at least 5 faculty members at the rank of assistant professor or above. The major professor serves as chair, 3 members must reside within the Department of Animal Science, and one member must be from outside the Department. The major professor and at least 2 other members must be approved to direct doctoral research. The student's advisory committee assists in the planning of course work and may require specific courses in addition to those required by the Animal Science graduate program. The graduate advisory committee also aids in formulating an appropriate research project and administers other degree requirements, including the comprehensive exam and dissertation defense.

Students are expected to choose their graduate advisory committee in their first semester, present proposed coursework and research plan to the committee before the beginning of the second semester, and present a written research project proposal to the committee no later than the fourth semester of matriculation.