Thesis Option

Prior to research for the thesis, the student must develop a detailed written research plan and submit it to his/her committee by the end of the second semester in the program. A minimum of 6 credit hours of?FDSC 500 - Thesis?is required to fulfill degree requirements.?

In addition to the thesis requirement, a minimum of 24 credit hours of graduate course work is required. This work must be approved by the student's committee and a minimum of 14 credit hours must be courses numbered above 500. The committee may require additional course work if the student's progress or background indicates such need.?

All students are required to take 1 credit hour?ANSC 525?or?PLSC 525 - Research Ethics for the Life Sciences?and 2 credit hours of?FDSC 501 - Seminar?during their program. Students are expected to attend?FDSC 501?and participate in discussions during their master's program.?

An oral final examination covering the thesis and course work is required.