Dietetics Option.

This option is required of all students planning to become registered dietitians. After completing their B.S. requirements, students can qualify for the professional title of Registered Dietitian by completing supervised practice requirements and passing a national exam. The supervised practice requirement is met by completing an ACEND-accredited dietetic internship program available to students on a competitive basis nationwide. Admission to internship programs is highly competitive; students are encouraged to review the latest admission information on the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics website ( Internships may be combined with graduate programs in universities leading to an advanced degree. Students who complete the academic and supervised practice requirements are eligible to take the national registration examination.Nutrition Option. This option is for students who want to study nutrition but do not plan to become registered dietitians.There are three tracks available which provide focused training in specific areas of nutrition:Nutrition Science—designed for students who want to study the science of nutrition and use this background for advanced study in the field or admission to professional health programs. In addition to the core, students will complete NFS 337, 459, 495, and one additional NFS course based on their area of interest.Health Promotion—designed for students who want to work with the public in preventative health education programs. In addition to the core, students will complete NFS 360, 443, 444, and 495.Foods-designed for students who want to work in food service management, food safety, or food sustainability. In addition to the core, students will complete NFS 337, 375, 376 and 495.Students must maintain a 2.50 average in all required courses (NFS courses, science courses, and the remaining degree courses) in order to graduate. Students are encouraged to use supporting elective and free elective courses to study disciplines related to the field.