The B.A. in Biology directly serves students who wish to combine the study of biology with another major as a means of gaining broad training for careers in areas needing depth of scientific knowledge along with other background and skills. As an example, students wishing to teach science in primary or secondary school earn degrees in both education and biology. Similarly, students can prepare for careers like scientific illustration or technical writing by double majoring in biology and art, or biology and English or journalism. Combining a major in business administration with one in biology is excellent preparation to enter the growing field of hospital administration or the business sector of the pharmaceutical industry. And finally, students who wish to enter law school to practice environmental law, biotechnology patent law or forensic science find that a major in biology provides a strong background for advanced studies in these areas, with room in their schedules to explore related subjects. Although it is possible to meet the requirements for entering professional schools with a B.A. degree, most students aiming toward premedical, pre-dental, or pre-veterinary study or graduate school in biology follow a B.S. curriculum, which requires the courses in math, chemistry, and physics expected for admission to such advanced degree programs.