The industrial and systems engineering curriculum is designed to provide significant strength in mathematics, basic science, and engineering science, together with a coordinated set of courses important to the professional industrial or systems engineer. Fundamental manufacturing processes, economics, statistics, quality systems, and mathematical and computer modeling of production and service systems are included.Program Educational Objectives.

Three to five years after graduation from the B.S. in Industrial and Systems Engineering program, graduates will:

  • Successfully practice industrial and systems engineering to serve local, state, regional, national, and international industries, and government agencies.
  • Work professionally in the fields of industrial and systems engineering in either manufacturing or service sectors, working in areas such as systems engineering, quality engineering, logistics, supply chain management, advanced manufacturing, human factors, health care or transportation.
  • Achieve personal and professional success with an understanding and appreciation of ethical behavior, social responsibility and diversity, both as individuals and in team environments.
  • Pursue continued life-long learning through further graduate education, short courses or other training programs in engineering or related fields.