• A leader in non-traditional doctoral education, the Doctor of Philosophy in Business Administration (Ph.D.) program at Kennesaw State University is an innovative program offered by an AACSB-accredited business school. Enrolling in this innovative program will allow students to advance their goal of obtaining an academic position at an AACSB-accredited university. With more than 100 alumni, the program’s impact on the academe and the business community is far-reaching and will provide students with the opportunity to develop and strengthen their network. Our alumni have an established record of publishing in high-quality peer-reviewed academic journals, thus demonstrating the quality of research conducted by our alumni.
  • KSU’s faculty has broad research interests that span key areas:

    • Business-to-Business marketing
    • Communication: Advertising and promotion
    • Consumer behavior
    • Consumer privacy
    • Culture
    • Emerging markets
    • Ethics
    • Fashion
    • International marketing
    • Marketing strategy
    • Materialism
    • New product and technology adoption
    • Retailing
    • Sales management
    • Sales performance
    • Sustainability
  • Faculty use both quantitative and qualitative techniques and have worked on scale development.