• The Bachelor of Science degree in Sociology prepares students to understand and deal with diversity, modernization, and social change ranging from the local to global scale. The core competencies of the program prepare students to enter careers requiring technological facility, communication skills, data gathering, and analysis skills, community awareness and involvement, problem-solving, critical thinking, an understanding of the structure and functioning of groups and organizations, greater awareness of their environment, critical self-reflection, and interpersonal and intercultural skills. Besides career preparation, specific concentrations in the major also provide background for graduate study in sociology and other related disciplines.
  • With the applied focus on modernization and social change, students who graduate with a degree in Sociology that is complemented by a knowledge of other social sciences would be prepared to work as urban planners, demographers and data analysts, public survey workers, social research assistants, affirmative action officers, employee specialists, cultural diversity trainers, criminologists in law enforcement and corrections, and numerous other occupations.
  • The program of study offers students both intellectual growth and marketable technical skills. Students who plan graduate work in sociology or related fields will likewise be introduced to the core studies necessary for the pursuit of their respective disciplines. Included in the curriculum are concentrations in: