• The Industrial and Systems Engineering program is a combination of Industrial Engineering and Systems Engineering.  Industrial engineering is concerned with the design, improvement, and implementation of integrated processes of people, processes, information, materials, management, and equipment.  IE’s draw upon specialized knowledge and skill in the mathematical, physical, and social sciences combined with the principles and methods of engineering analysis and design, to specify, predict, and evaluate processes and systems.

  • Systems engineering is an interdisciplinary and structured approach to designing and deploying successful systems to blends engineering, systems thinking, and management topics. Systems engineering deals with work processes, optimization methods, and risk management tools while ensures that all likely aspects of a project or system are considered, and integrated into a whole.

  • Graduates of industrial & systems engineering will:  
    • Demonstrate a balance of industrial and systems engineering knowledge to meet industry expectations for design, improvement, and installation of integrated systems of people, machines, materials, information, energy, and logistics.
    • Practice critical thinking to solve problems, communicate effectively, and adapt to changes.
    • Apply to lifelong learning and continued professional development.