The American Sociological Association publishes an annual Guide to Graduate Departments of Sociology, which gives basic information about most graduate programs in the U.S., as well as many in Canada and Great Britain. This is available in the department office (Haag Hall 208).

In general, students with an interest in graduate school should plan their undergraduate studies with these pointers in mind:

  • Focus on doing well in your sociology course work. A high GPA will suggest that you have engaged with the concepts of the discipline.
  • Participate in the SEARCH program at UMKC; attend, and consider doing a poster and paper presentation at the annual meeting of a state, regional, or national sociology or anthropology association (e.g., Missouri Sociological Association, Midwest Sociological Society, American Sociological Association, American Anthropological Association).
  • Seek out professors who are willing to become mentors and allow you to assist on research projects or help you develop your research ideas.
  • Seek out on-the-job training activities, including internships and volunteer opportunities.