The Masters of Science in Environmental Sciences (Thesis track) is designed to provide all students with a cross-disciplinary introduction to environmental science. Students are required to complete a Thesis project and all MS core course requirements which include taking one class in each of three categories:

  • Environmental Chemistry/Soil and Water Science,
  • Environmental Policy,
  • Law & Economics, and
  • Interdisciplinary Environmental Studies.

Each student will also take 1 credit hour of Ethics, 2 credit hours of Seminar, 6 credit hours of Statistics and 6 credit hours of Thesis.

In addition, each student will normally take courses in their specialty area sufficient to bring the total number of credits to the minimum of 30 required for the MS in Environmental Sciences beyond the Bachelor of Science Degree. 

Any additional course work requirements will be determined by the MS Advisory Committee to meet the student's specific program needs.

For MS Thesis Track EVS students there are two public defenses:

  •  Thesis Proposal and
  •  Thesis Defense of their completed research.

Each of these defenses is followed by an oral examination given by the MS Advisory Committee.  One Qualifying Examination is also required.