Environmental health is the study of how environmental factors can impact human health, and how to identify, prevent, and control these effects.Environmental health specialists use a broad background of scientific, technical, and behavioral knowledge and skills to investigate, evaluate, and eliminate environmental conditions that may be harmful to people or communities. After studying the health problems and needs of the community, they plan and implement control programs in a variety of areas including ambient noise, hazardous substances, solid wastes, land use, pests, and housing.
The purpose of our department is to prepare environmental specialists by increasing understanding of interrelationships between environmental factors and human health.
Environmental health service needs are complex and increasing because of changes brought about by economic and technological advances. Technical specialists in environmental health require a comprehensive education in basic and applied sciences. The B.S.E.H. also provides strong preparation for graduate studies.
Environmental Health Professionals protect human health and safety by:

  • Maintaining a safe supply of food and drinking water; Degree Competencies
  • Discovering the mechanisms of environmentally related diseases such as insects, rodents and other animal carriers of disease;
  • Treating and disposing of solid and toxic wastes;
  • Reducing air, water, food and noise pollution;
  • Ensuring safe schools, playgrounds and workplaces by controlling physical, biological, and chemical hazards.