If you have an intelligent and creative mind with a passion for emerging technologies, the field of applied science holds untold opportunities for you to explore throughout the  programme delivered by Saint Peter's University.

And our location offers you exciting internship and employment opportunities within research, pharmaceutical, chemical, bio-chemical and physics-based firms —industries that form a virtual employment engine that will drive the future of scientific development of our country.

Learning goals

  • To build a strong foundation in their knowledge of Biotechology, students should successfully complete and demonstrate a working knowledge in five “core” courses.
  • Students should acknowledge, understand and appreciate the ethical and moral of research in Biotechnology, its impact on humanity, society and history. As such the students will take at least one course in Bioethics
  • Students should develop effective writing and oral communication skills.
  • Students should be aware of and be able to utilize materials and procedures necessary to search and solicit post-graduate educational programs and/or employment opportunities. The students should develop skills necessary to make application and interview for such post-graduate educational programs and/ or employment opportunities.


Positions in this field involve industry, clinical laboratory testing, the health professions, as well as biomedical, chemical and physics research.