Follow the currents of history from the stories of Greece and Rome to the American Revolution and the Cold War.

The ?programme delivered by Saint Peter's University?helps you to find patterns. Gain perspective. Learn to understand the meaning of events in the context of their time and place.

What can you do with a major in history? Practically anything.

With highly developed communication and research skills and the heightened ability to think critically, our graduates move on to a variety of careers.

They become professional historians; they teach, practice law, work in government and business and some even enter the medical profession. The future is wide open for our majors.

Student learning goals

  • Majors should gain an understanding of various historical themes including non-Western ones to give them some exposure to the broad scope of history.
  • Underclass students should develop the ability to do historical research, write with clarity on historical matters and effectively communicate their ideas orally. Such activities would enable students to reach more effectively their educational goals and prepare them for lifelong learning.
  • The Tuleja Seminar, the History Department?s Capstone course, provides seniors with the opportunity to do extensive independent research, develop greater academic self-discipline and refine the skills they have been acquiring in their underclass years.
  • To prepare students to acquire the knowledge, skills, and values necessary for careers in history and education, and participation in and service to the community.