The concentration emphasizes content production for print, broadcast, cable, and online/interactive/multimedia dissemination. The program acquaints students with the structure and operations of news media organizations and the legal and ethical issues associated with mass media.

Department of Communication students learn the latest skills used in the communication industry, from i-reporting to the use of social media as a strategic communication tool, but they learn more than just skills.

They learn the theory behind the practice that explains why and how communication works, which gives our students an edge when applying for jobs because they don?t just know what to do or how to do it; they know why it should be done and what effect it may have.

Whether your interests are in advertising, public relations or multimedia journalism, the B.S. in Communication allows you to specialize in your interest area while learning how your concentration area fits into the larger communication world. Our minors in Communication Studies and Mass Communication builds your interpersonal skills, preparing you for leadership roles.