Students and graduates of the Program will demonstrate:
1. Effective communication skills:
  • Verbally and non-verbally
  • In writing and when speaking
  • By being a good listener
  • Using appropriate terminology
2. Good interpersonal skills:
  • With those representing various ages and cultures
  • With those who are ill and those who are healthy
  • With disabled and able-bodied individuals
  • With the terminally ill or those grieving
  • With those who are difficult to handle or inappropriate in their behaviors
3. Professional behaviors in roles as:
  • Teacher
  • Consultant
  • Caregiver
  • Team member
  • Advisor
  • Mentor
  • Friend
4. Management skills in:
  • Use of own time
  • Maintaining emotional stability
  • Providing care to individuals in a clinical setting
  • Supervising other professional and non-professional personnel
  • Equipping the clinical setting
  • Budgeting