
  • To train students with in-depth knowledge in one main chemistry field with sufficient background in two related fields through advanced course work and laboratory research.
  • To train students with competency in modern chemical research through data gathering and interpretation and communication of research results through oral and written presentations.
  • To train students for professional employment including industry, teaching at community college and secondary levels, and doctoral programs and professional schools.?
  • To train students with an understanding and awareness of the professional, ethical and safety applications of their knowledge.??

For full-time students working toward an M.S. degree, the degree requirements should be completed by the end of the second?year following the first semester of study. Students beyond their second year of full-time study will be reviewed by their thesis?committee for satisfactory progress every semester. A report of unsatisfactory will result in dismissal from the program. Under?special circumstances, MS students must graduate in three years in fulltime status. Part time students are considered separately.?