The individual engineering and related programs have published program objectives that are consistent with the missions and goals of the University of California, UCI, and The Henry Samueli School of Engineering.

The School offers undergraduate majors in Aerospace Engineering (AE), Biomedical Engineering (BME), Biomedical Engineering: Premedical (BMEP), Chemical Engineering (ChE), Civil Engineering (CE), Computer Engineering (CpE), Computer Science and Engineering (CSE, a jointly administered program with the Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences), Electrical Engineering (EE), Engineering (a general program, GE), Environmental Engineering (EnE), Materials Science Engineering (MSE), and Mechanical Engineering (ME).

The undergraduate majors in Aerospace, Biomedical, Chemical, Civil, Computer, Computer Science and Engineering, Electrical, Environmental, Materials Science, and Mechanical Engineering are accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) is also accredited by the Computing Accreditation Commission of ABET, The undergraduate major in Biomedical Engineering: Premedical (BMEP) is not designed to be accredited, therefore is not accredited by ABET.