The Developmental and Cell Biology major is intended to provide students with intensive training in cutting edge approaches to understanding the structure and function of cells and how they interact to produce a complex organism, starting with a fertilized egg.

The focus of the B.S. in Developmental and Cell Biology is to provide students with intensive training aimed at preparing them for graduate programs in modern Developmental and Cell Biology or other biomedical sciences. In-depth training in the molecular basis of cell and developmental biology will be coupled with integrating knowledge obtained from the recent explosive advances in genomic technology to provide a strong working understanding of how to approach problems in basic research.

The major has distinctive features. The first is a reduction in the number of required courses, allowing students the opportunity to focus more deeply on training in Developmental and Cell Biology. The second is the implementation of a new course in Genomic and Proteomic analysis that is closely tied to problems in genetics, developmental, and cell biology. Understanding the connections among these disciplines and how to apply the appropriate tools for defining and answering fundamental questions in biomedical research is a critical tool for success in research.

Another distinctive feature of the major is the opportunity to replace two upper-division laboratory courses with mentored BIO SCI 199 individual research in faculty laboratories. This offers students the opportunity to apply the tools they have acquired during formal course work to current problems at the frontiers of research. Lastly, students majoring in Developmental and Cell Biology have faculty advisors with whom they meet at least quarterly. The faculty advisors help students plan their curriculum, select appropriate 199 projects and sponsoring labs, and as a group grant petitions and certify the degree. The combination of new upper-division courses, more flexibility in the curriculum, the option for mentored research, and close interaction with faculty advisors will help the Developmental and Cell Biology majors to develop an appreciation of the nature of research and establish a strong foundation for future success in graduate or professional schools.