The Department of Health and Human Performance offers? degree programs in Health Sciences,? and Sports Studies.? The content courses for teaching specializations in Health Education and Physical Education are ?also delivered for the Education Department.? The department is committed to preparing students in their pursuit of knowledge and skills to become responsible members of society, while encouraging life-long learning;? to enhance the quality of life within a diverse society.
Central to the success of any department is its faculty.? ?Our department looks forward to providing you with the guidance and personal assistance necessary for you to reach your academic goal--to obtain a degree.? All students are expected to meet with their faculty advisor each semester.

The Department of Health and Human Performance?offers a Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences. The Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences prepares students for work within health education and health related fields.

?The field of health education offers many opportunities for graduates to work as health educators in a variety of settings including university settings, corporations, local, state, and federal health departments, hospitals, volunteer agencies, and public schools.