The program focuses on the fundamentals of communication, digital storytelling, multimedia design, development and production. Many courses in the program are project-based, allowing students to become fluent in the use of contemporary (current state-of-the-art) tools for producing Web applications, entertainment/serious and games and simulations, 3D motion graphics, and videos. Students also learn to develop software applications for the desktop, the Web, and mobile devices. The program is flexible, allowing students to choose the path that best matches their career goals.

The M.S. in Media Arts and Science is a 30-credit-hour professional program emphasizing an applied, project-based approach to the latest in digital media production. The program can be customized with study in other fields, including media production, design thinking and usability analysis, psychology, communication theory, information management, and computing. We strive to produce dynamic websites, smartphone apps, interactive education, serious, and entertaining games and simulations, 3-D motion graphics, digital illustrations and animations, audio and video. Projects will be based on your specific area(s) of interest to build a valuable portfolio and advance your career.

The program easily accommodates working professionals with many evening courses and a flexible timetable for degree completion for the part-time student. Full-time students can complete the program in two years.