Media Arts and Science students at IUPUI learn to master technology that wasn’t even available a semester ago, and are using it in ways that affect industries everywhere. Students have opportunities to work on research and collaborative projects right away. You can graduate with an impressive portfolio of work demonstrating your skills to employers, or leverage your research to earn a graduate degree.

Students and graduates are taking their talents and dreams to the next level, as they:

  • Tell compelling stories.
  • Design platforms that can handle the torrent of Big Data.
  • Make the past come alive with historic recreations in virtual reality, such as Virtual Bethel. the digital preservation of the original Bethel AME Church building in downtown Indianapolis.
  • Work with nonprofits on videos for social change.
  • Create and animate everything from fantastic creatures to urban landscapes.
  • Map the human brain.
  • Assess crops with drones.
  • Utilize 3-D technology to design facial prosthetics.