As the first U.S. graduate program in sports journalism, master’s students benefit from established partnerships with national and local sports organizations such the Associated Press Sports Editors, the NCAA, the Indiana Pacers, the Indianapolis Indians, and IndyCar Series, to name a few. Many students participate in news bureaus—in which students work in teams covering major sporting events—and internships.

The academic program, ideal for graduating seniors and professionals with a few years of experience, offers top quality instruction on sports media from full-time and adjunct faculty that provide individual attention and guidance. The curriculum, a mix of skills and seminar courses, focuses on the converging worlds of print and online journalism, public relations, advertising, documentary and emerging technologies as expressed in the new commercial reality of sport. Courses combine experiential and classroom learning and stress versatility and skill-building across platforms.

Courses are offered on IUPUI’s downtown Indianapolis campus, which is within easy walking distance of major sporting venues and a short drive of the state’s major newspaper, television and radio headquarters. No thesis is required and the program can be completed within one to two years.