Locally, Indiana’s economic health is increasingly tied to foreign investment and exports of agricultural, life science, or automotive products.  The ‘Crossroads of America’ is now a major international freight hub.  Record numbers of immigrants from places like Mexico, South Asia, and West Africa are transforming our cultural landscape.  Meanwhile, Hoosiers are serving abroad in the military, in the Peace Corps, as missionaries, or as members of the international business community.  To prepare students for life and careers in an increasingly globalized world, the School of Liberal Arts offers the B.A. and a minor in Global and International Studies. 

In the Global & International Studies program, students take advantage of the international opportunities offered at IUPUI, a 2011 recipient of the Paul Simon Award for Comprehensive Internationalization.  They learn another language, specialize in one of five world regions, enrich their academic experience through study abroad, and study the cultural, historical, political, and economic forces at work in our 21st century world.  The most innovative feature of the major is that students tailor a combination of regional and thematic concentrations to meet their own academic interests and career goals.  In short, this customized major permits students to meet any variety of interests and needs.