The Dance Arts track focuses primarily on dance, with a secondary focus on theater, music, art, and/or specified studies. This degree track is largely based in the Department of Theater and Dance.

Beyond the dance theory courses, IUP offers classes covering various dance genres, including ballet, tap, modern, jazz, ballroom, and ethnic. You?ll also advance your knowledge of theater and take electives in music, art, and other areas.

You?ll have chances to perform and learn through studio, touring, and workshop productions. You may also choose to perform in shows produced by the student-operated IUP Concert Dance Company.

Additionally, Theater-by-the-Grove and the IUP Dance Theater Company support numerous creative opportunities in at least six major productions each year, including at least one musical and two dance concerts.

The Bachelor of Arts degree in Interdisciplinary Fine Arts with a Dance Arts track can prepare you for entry level-work or graduate school training toward a career in dance and related occupations in the dance discipline, including the entertainment industry.

Personal training, therapy, management, community organization, and teaching are examples. This degree is ideal for people who someday want to use their dance arts background in educational and community settings.