A major in Political Science will drag this nebulous ?political world? into the light of the real world? (They?re actually much closer together than you think). We will explore what politicians and political scientists mean when they use abstract words such as power, government, distribution of scarce resources, political culture, freedom, and equality.

We will also help you answer questions like:? How is power in America exercised and distributed?? What are the sources of conflict in society?? Why is there turmoil in the Middle East and what is the role of the United States in that turmoil?? Is war ever justified? What do we really mean when we talk about justice?? Is there a difference between what governments do and what people really want?? How do politics and government in West Virginia compare with that of other states?? What kind of world might we live in when your children are getting ready for college?? And this is just the tip of the iceberg.? Political Science is a fascinating, in-depth look at your world.