Graduates of the program add value to many types of domestic and international organizations. They are prepared to meet the challenges of today?s globalized business environment because they are able to:

  • Evaluate and analyze business operations from a global perspective
  • Analyze and interpret financial and economic data, in qualitative and quantitative terms
  • Communicate ideas and analysis effectively, in writing and in oral presentations

Opportunities & Careers

  • Law School
  • Graduate School In International Affairs, Economics, Public Administration, Health Care Administration, and other fields
  • The US Foreign Service
  • Employment with Multinational Corporations in Purchasing, Import/Export Market Development, Sales & Sales Analysis
  • Private Sector Financial Services: Foreign Exchange Trading, Banking
  • Analyst, Bank Examiner, or Financial Institution Specialist with the FDIC

These jobs are challenging, interesting, and fulfilling. And starting salaries for our graduates average more than $50,000 per year. For more information on job and career possibilities, we have prepared for you an extensive Alumni Jobs & Careers Database.