We have a long and proud history of its outstanding achievements across an array of academic fields related to the management of sport and leisure industry.  We maintains a strong network of alumni who work in all levels of the sport and leisure industry, ensuring our students ready access to a vast network of connections. MU has alumni working in the NCAA, PGA, NBA, NFL, NASCAR, National Sport Association, U.S. Olympic Committee, Community and University Recreation, High School Sports, Youth Sport Programs, and more.

Sports are a major provider of high dollar entertainment which makes the industry very business oriented. Due to the economic magnitude of the sports industry, the demand for higher educated sports managers is at an all-time high. According to the Occupational Outlook Handbook, employment of sports and entertainment managers is much faster than the average increase for all occupations. 

A larger population will continue to participate in organized and spectator sports for recreation and entertainment. Job growth will also be driven by the increasing number of retirees who are expected to participate in more leisure activities. Additionally, future expansion of new professional teams and leagues as well as college athletic programs will create additional openings for sport administrative staff. 

The opportunities are endless. Our bachelor and master degree programs at Marshall University will give you the diverse knowledge and skill set needed in all areas that will optimize you chance for future employment in the sport field.