The MS in Clinical Research is a 36-credit degree program. The curriculum is designed to accommodate clinicians? busy schedules, with courses offered on Wednesday afternoons. The degree requires a minimum of 3 years for most students with clinical obligations; the time required for degree completion depends on the amount of time and effort a student devotes to the program.?

The MS Degree Program builds on the?Clinical Research Curriculum, a 2-year series of courses composed of a weekly 1.5 hour lectures offered on Wednesday evenings. Successful completion of the Clinical Research Curriculum will yield up to 12 credit hours toward the MS degree credit hour requirements.

The curriculum for the MS Degree Program consists of two tracks ? a Patient-Based Clinical Research Track and a Translational Research Track. In either track, the specific Advanced Courses chosen by an individual student will depend on his/her previous training and course work and on career goals. All students are expected to take the Advanced Biostatistics course unless they can demonstrate comparable competency in this area. Most students in the Patient-Based Clinical Research Track will take Advanced Courses in study design, whereas most students in the Translational Research Track will take Advanced Courses in molecular biology and/or genetics.