In the words of the American Anthropological Association, ?Only anthropology seeks to understand the whole panorama--in geographic space and evolutionary time--of human existence.? To study anthropology is to explore the many avenues of what it means to be human.

Among the many places NKU's anthropologists have conducted research are Australia, Belize, Fiji, Ghana, Ireland, Japan, Madagascar, Mali, Mexico, Papua New Guinea, Peru, Philippines, Spain, Thailand, Uganda, and a variety of places in the United States. NKU anthropologists participate in Anthropologists and Sociologists of Kentucky (ASK), as well as regional, national, and international anthropology organizations.

Anthropology majors are encouraged to participate in anthropology related student organizations. Each year NKU Anthropology presents the Outstanding Student in Anthropology Award and the Award for Academic Excellence in Anthropology.

Anthropology majors have many opportunities for study in the broader world outside the classroom--locally, nationally, and internationally.