• The innovative 21st-century program provides stuedents the opportunity to develop skills essential for the realities and possibilities of the ever-evolving media landscape and to explore their passion outside of the Nido R. Qubein School of Communication.
  • The program offers a semester-long residency with a regional or national media outlet
  • This program offers a rich, diverse variety of journalism electives, from environmental journalism, to entertainment journalism, to fashion journalism – allowing students to select the courses that help them build depth and expertise in areas that match their aspirations
  • This equips students with the technical, reporting and storytelling skills required for digital storytelling, television and radio news
  • It is a hands-on program with ample opportunities to produce stories for the weekly HPU newscast
  • Students work with the latest video/audio equipment and software.
  • Students combine hands-on journalism skills with broader knowledge from their liberal arts education