Multidisciplinary in approach and collaborative in spirit, our curriculum embraces the social sciences, natural sciences, and humanities. Students learn how to think about health from a variety of disciplinary perspectives and with an appreciation of its many dimensions. They also gain experience?so vital in addressing contemporary health issues?working in productive partnerships with individuals from different backgrounds, training, and points of view.

Our program welcomes students from every major. Their diverse perspectives come together to create an exceptionally rich learning experience. At the same time, we are committed to advancing each student?s particular academic goals, which may include medicine, public health, journalism, medical anthropology, health policy, among others.

The Bi-Co Health Studies minor aims to:

  • create a coherent curricular structure in which students address issues of health and disease informed by multidisciplinary investigations, combining insights from the natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities.
  • develop a student?s ability to think and write with depth, precision, and sophistication about complex topics on health, disease, and social justice.
  • teach students how to collaborate with others, having varying skill sets and vocabularies, on issues pertaining to health and disease, so they can work in partnership with diverse stakeholders to contribute to the well-being of local communities and global populations.