Students can also take courses that examine communication in legal, political and organizational contexts.Student Learning Outcomes / Program Objectives

  • Students will learn to communicate effectively in public.
  • Students will learn how to be advocates for their ideas.
  • Students will learn how to compose messages adapted to audience, goals, and context.
  • Students will be able to utilize what they?ve learned to advance their personal and/or professional goals.
  • Students will learn to write clearly.

Students can also take courses that examine communication in legal, political and organizational contexts.The department offers two degrees, the B.A. and the B.S. Both require a 25-hour core of foundational courses and 15 hours of electives in the major. Additionally, students in both degree programs must take the university's general education curriculum and 21 hours of liberal arts courses. The B.A. includes a requirement for the study of foreign language and the B.S. includes a requirement for the study of quantitative reasoning or statistics.