The Master of Science (M.S.) degree in Sport Administration is comprised of three concentrations; there is an Intercollegiate Sport Concentration which is designed for students who are seeking careers working in and around intercollegiate athletics. There is the Organizational Behavior and Sport Business Concentration which is designed for students who pursue careers in professional sport or who have aspirations to attain the terminal degree in sport administration. Finally, the program has an International Sport Concentration which is designed for students who want to pursue careers in the global market of sport. Careers in International Sport include positions in the Olympics, Global Marketing, and Event Management.

Our main goals are:

  • To provide comprehensive graduate training for students wishing to complete a degree in sport administration.
  • To create a strong, intra-university collaboration; in addition to developing community relations, and strong partnerships for internships and jobs with sport organizations.
  • To make innovative and major contributions to this growing field of study both domestically and abroad. Creating a dynamic and competitive program while providing excellent research will be essential for attracting the best students and superb faculty.