The completion of the MAcc is one way to meet the educational requirements of the Certified Public Accountant (CPA) exam in Indiana.

The Indiana Legislature requires 150 hours of college credit including specific courses in accounting, communications, and related business fields to become a licensed CPA. The technical content of our program will give you a foundation to assist your preparation for such exam.

Career Path

If you elect to major in accounting, you may prepare yourself for a variety of accounting careers in industry, government, not-for-profit organizations, and public accounting. Many accountants are self-employed, operating their own businesses.

  • Public accountants use their skills in auditing, taxation and consulting.
  • Forensic accountants practice investigative accounting.
  • Internal accountants verify the accuracy of their organization?s internal records and check for mismanagement, waste, or fraud.
  • Accountants are in high demand by government agencies such as the IRS, FBI and CIA.
  • Accounting also provides an excellent undergraduate background for a law degree.