The usefulness of physics is evident in products such as lasers, computers, mobile devices, high speed levitated trains, superconducting magnets, high energy particle accelerators, medical MRIs, etc. As a physicist, you might use your knowledge to design missions to other worlds, develop new theories to explain fundamental particles of matter, the motion of galaxies, and the evolution of the universe itself. If you like being challenged, then you want to be involved in an exciting field that will provide many opportunities; that will allow you to be creative; and one where you can make a difference! Physicists enjoy a great variety in their careers that include the areas of Astronomy, Biophysics, Computational Modeling, Engineering and Applied Physics, Industrial Research and Development, Medical Physics, Molecular Electronics and Optics.

Why choose Purdue Northwest?

Students at Welcome WeekThe Bachelor of Science in Physics at Purdue University Northwest prepares students for careers in industry, government, or education. Students can choose to major in physics or concentrate their studies in Computational Physics, Engineering Physics, or Nuclear Science. Additionally, there is opportunity for non-physics majors to minor in astrophysics and physics. All options involve rigorous coursework including hands-on laboratory work.

Possible Career Choices:

  • Applications Engineer
  • Data Analyst
  • High School Physics Teacher
  • Lab Technician
  • Research Associate
  • Software Developer
  • Web Developer
  • Environmental Scientist
  • Health Physicist
  • Investment analyst