Psychology explores phenomenon from multiple perspectives and is an ideal starting point for many careers. Our students go on to graduate level work in psychology and pursue careers in a wide range of fields including school psychology, industrial-organizational psychology, and many mental health fields. ?This degree also prepares you for success in fields such as law, education and business, which require strong critical-thinking skills and a solid understanding of interpersonal relationships. In this program, you?ll work with experienced faculty members who research intriguing topics, such as how we read stories, workplace relationships, aggressive behaviors, and mindfulness.?

Your studies will be augmented by lab courses that involve designing psychological studies and collecting data. You can participate in supervised fieldwork in the applied clinical science concentration, which prepares you for careers in counseling. Or, you can choose the industrial-organizational psychology track, which focuses on relationships in work environments. You?ll graduate well prepared to enter the workforce or to pursue an advanced degree.

Quinnipiac provides real world experience based on your interests. In addition to participating in summer research projects at institutions across the country, our students have interned at a battered women?s center, psychiatric in-patient clinics and national corporations.?