As a sociology major, you’ll study diverse groups, along with a vast range of social dynamics, issues, and trends. You’ll learn how people are affected by social factors, such as health care, education, religion, social policy, and inequality. You’ll gain the knowledge and skills to pursue a career as a teacher, social worker, youth counselor, police officer, community development specialist or epidemiologist, to name a few.  

Award-winning faculty mentors help you choose courses to tailor your studies to your specific interests. In addition, you have the option to focus your major with a concentration in either social services—with specialized training for a career in social work—or medicine and health, where you’ll learn about cultural and societal factors that affect health and behavior. 

Your education begins in the classroom, but expands far beyond it. In your junior year, you’ll apply your skills and gain valuable, real-world experience through internships in settings such as hospitals, schools, foster homes, nonprofits, addiction treatment centers or social service agencies.