The Interdisciplinary Studies (IDS) major is intended for students pursuing academic, civic, and/or career interests that privilege interdisciplinary and/or transdisciplinary knowledge and practice. The IDS major will expose students to a number of disciplines and academic areas, and will emphasize critique, analysis, evaluation, and the development and iterative application of skills in critical thinking, writing, public speaking, data gathering, evaluation and presentation. This type of academic foundation will prepare students for virtually any academic path or career of their choosing.

The Interdisciplinary Studies major is structured around a concentration, supported by one of the academic departments at Quinnipiac University.  A number of concentrations are currently in development. At this time, the Education Studies concentration, designed for students pursuing the Elementary Education track leading to the Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT), is the only concentration available.  Students wishing to pursue interdisciplinary studies with a different focus should consider designing an Independent Major.