Many go on to graduate programs at universities around the country. The history major also offers an excellent general background for more specialized training in fields such as law and journalism.

More generally, students who major in history acquire valuable skills such as critical thinking, communications (speaking and writing), analytic reasoning, and research that they can transfer to many different job settings. Our students develop the ability to locate, organize, and evaluate information; analyze the global context of situations and decisions; recognize the role of the United States in the world; and understand cultural diversity.

The Bachelor of Arts in History develops skills in four major areas:

  • Historical comprehension: As students study human beings and societies in many different places and times, they develop their abilities to understand both differences and similarities in the human experience.
  • Historical analysis: Students analyze a wide variety of sources representing different points of view as they grapple with how historians have interpreted the past.
  • Historical research: Students conduct their own original research as they discover and interpret different types of historical sources.
  • Historical interpretation: Students hone their skills in developing and presenting an original, evidence-based argument.

What's Unique about history at UNCG?

  • Distinguished, award-winning faculty with national and international reputations.
  • Development of research skills in smaller, upper-level courses.
  • Disciplinary Honors in History.
  • Annual alumni networking event puts majors in direct contact with graduates in a variety of fields.
  • Opportunities to pursue internships with museums and historical site.