Physics is the study of the universe and how it works.? Questions in physics range from the very big (evolution of the universe) to the very small (atoms and quantum physics), and from the very fast (relativity) to the very slow (laser cooling).? As physicists, we attempt to infer underlying physical principles from the world around us. The study of physics is a challenging and intellectually rewarding activity elected by those who seek to sharpen and broaden their appreciation and understanding of the physical world and their relationship to it.

Courses offered by the Department of Physics and Astronomy are designed to bring the student to an increasingly independent level of investigation in experimental and theoretical physics. ?Denison offers a variety of facilities and equipment for teaching and research in the physical sciences.

The study of physics is a challenging and intellectually rewarding activity elected by those who seek to sharpen and broaden their appreciation and understanding of the physical world and their relationship to it. To this end, courses offered by the Department of Physics and Astronomy are designed to bring the student to an increasingly independent level of investigation in experimental and theoretical physics, and to a level of sophistication commensurate with his or her motivation, goals, and?abilities.

A major in Physics is great preparation for careers in engineering, medicine, business, computer science, law, industrial management, and teaching. Sufficient flexibility exists in the major program to suit the needs and goals of the?individual.