Narrative nonfiction writing is prose that combines literary attention to storytelling with sound, fact-based research. This concentration is open to students from all majors. It provides them with a structured opportunity to gain writing experience in their field, as well as exposure to potential career?paths.

The narrative nonfiction concentration can be added to any student?s course of study. It comprises five elements, including a core curriculum of three required English courses; one to three electives drawn from an approved list of courses; at least one summer or semester-long directed research or internship experience; a non-credit bearing group colloquia; and at least one semester of senior?research.

Narrative nonfiction writing is a burgeoning field, driven by the changing nature of the way people read online, including the re-emergence of long-form reporting and the growing number of nonprofit news organizations. The popularity of narrative nonfiction is an indication that both writers and readers appreciate writing that combines rigorous research with compelling, story-driven nonfiction prose. This concentration will prepare students majoring in any subject to write for a wide readership across a variety of media?platforms.