The department offers varied and modern courses, all of which include a laboratory component. Enrollment for every course (including the introductory course) is capped at 24 students to allow for meaningful laboratory experiences, field work, and interactive discussions.

The department is currently composed of thirteen permanent and two visiting faculty members. The faculty are trained in a wide variety of biological specialties and all conduct active research in their fields.?

Students also have the opportunity to participate in research, often culminating with student research being published or presented at scientific conferences.

Facilities are excellent, including a modern building with "smart classrooms" and dedicated research spaces. The department also has a greenhouse facility and a 350 acre biological reserve with a well equipped field station within walking distance of campus.

Off-campus opportunities for study and research include semester and summer programs at the Duke University Marine Biology Laboratory, the Semester-at-Sea, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, the School for Field Studies, and the Oak Ridge National Laboratories, among others.

Denison students can choose to major or minor biology. Students who major in biology can choose to earn either a B.A. or a B.S depending on the courses they select.

Students can also become further involved in the life of the department as members and officers of the Denison University Biological Society.