All CMU program completers are expected to demonstrate proficiency in critical thinking, communication? fluency, quantitative fluency, and specialized knowledgelapplied leaming. In addition to these campus-wide?
- Student learning outcomes, all recipients Of a Social Sciences Graduate Certificate Will be able to:?
- Contribute to scholarly advancement in the chosen field by completing projects individually and? collaboratively (specialized knowledgelapplied leaming);?
- Create oral and Written arguments or explanations, well-grounded in discipline-specific theories and? mcthods, for specificd audiences (communication fluency);?
- Formulate and evaluate hypotheses as related to research problems, issues, concepts, and various perspectives (critical thinking);?
- Synthcsizc, evaluate, Or refine the information base Of various scholarly sources (information literacy);?
- Evaluate moral, ethical, legal, or professional challenges within the discipline (ethical reasoning).?