The mission of the Department of Aviation’s Undergraduate Program in Air Traffic Control is to provide educational opportunities for students that will develop individuals who possess excellent aviation technical abilities, superior communication and teamwork skills, are adaptable to change, seek life-long learning, can effectively utilize technology and have an appreciation of other cultures in order to ensure successful contributions in the global and dynamic aviation industry. This program will prepare graduates in seeking employment as air traffic managers.
Aviation programs must demonstrate that graduates are able to:
- apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and applied sciences
- analyze and interpret data
- work effectively on multi-disciplinary and diverse teams
- make professional and ethical decisions
- communicate effectively, using both written and oral communication skills
- engage in and recognize of the need for life-long learning
- assess contemporary issues
- use the techniques, skills, and modern technology necessary for professional practice
- assess the national and international aviation environment
- apply pertinent knowledge in identifying and solving problems
- apply knowledge of business sustainability to aviation issues