The study of language and writing is central to the English program.  The departmental objectives are to help students write clearly and forcefully and to appreciate the artistic and cultural values of literature.

Degrees offered by the department include a Bachelor of Arts and Associate of Arts in English as well as an interdepartmental major in Afro-American Studies and English.The department regularly offers courses in the full range of English and American literary studies, including Chaucer and Shakespeare, the different periods and genres, linguistics, and special topics seminars.

With language, we communicate, imagine alternate worlds, reimagine our own, express ideas, and connect with others.  If you have found yourself lost in a book, pulled into a story, or just fascinated by how words work, then a major or minor in IUN’s English Department might be the place for you!  Our professors can help foster your reading skills, sharpen your writing skills, and prep you for a future in graduate school or a wide variety of jobs.  You’ll get to work on learning how to research, read closely, think critically, and understand diverse perspectives. 

We have courses that range from creative writing to professional writing, from British literature to World literature, including courses in Gender Studies, Film Studies, and Japanese literature.  So, no matter if you want to spend time reading Chaucer or Toni Morrison, we have a class for you! 

We offer two tracks, a BA in English, Literature, and a BA in English, Writing, and we offer three minors in English: Writing, Creative Writing, and Literature.

Program Highlights

Composition courses make extensive use of university computer labs, and certain sections of “Professional Writing Skills” are presented in an online version.

The department maintains a Writing Center to help students in any class or program address their deficiencies in writing. The Writing Center employs capable and trained students as tutors.

Career Opportunities

An English degree is a useful, well-received, and marketable major. It offers the option of graduate school in English or a professional school, such as law school, and provides for qualified entry into any business, state or national civil service, or educational administration.