We stress a multidisciplinary approach that enables students to follow their interests and select elective courses in our or in other programs at Stockton. Each senior student completes a research project or works as an intern with an environmental organization to gain more practical experience and to integrate his or her academic work with a real world experience. Our courses emphasize fieldwork and other practical experiences. We encourage close work with our full-time faculty and we provide the latest technology to train students to step into an environmentally related career and help them achieve the goal of becoming professionals and lifelong learners. 

Program Features:

Our program is located on a campus of 1600 acres, most of which are part of an environmental reserve. The facilities include:

  • Soils, hydrology, ecology and environmental chemistry laboratories
  • Biological and geological collections
  • Environmental field monitoring stations
  • A groundwater monitoring well field
  • Greenhouse and arboretum
  • Two 'dedicated' Geographic Information Systems (GIS) microcomputer laboratories
  • One containing 25 workstations with dual monitors, a large flatbed printer
  • Another containing an additional 21 computers