• The Master of Science in Industrial and Systems Engineering at the University of Florida is a 2 years program.
  • It is an on-campus program includes a traditional 30-credit hour MSc or MEng.
  • The program is offered on a full-time basis with thesis or Non thesis options.
  • The ISE Department offers a two master’s degrees:​
    • Master of Science (MSc) Can be completed with or without a thesis
    • Master of Engineering (MEng) requires an undergraduate engineering degree and can be completed with or without a thesis
  • Non-thesis students must pass (with a grade of B- or higher) a project course within 6 months of their graduation date.
  • Students can do the specializations in engineering management, manufacturing and logistics systems engineering, operations research, quality engineering, and special interest options such as health systems. 
  • Industrial and Systems Engineering gradute program ranks 14th among the public universityies.