• The program is available with six concentrations Biostatistics, Environmental Health, Epidemiology, Public Health Practice, Social & Behavioural Science, and Public Health Policy and Management.
  • Students will study courses like Statistical Methods for Health Science, Principles of Epidemiology in Public Health, Environmental Health Concepts in Public Health, and psychological, Behavioral, and Social Issues in Public Health.
  • The on-campus MPH program is a two-year, 48-credit program. MPH students declare a concentration area when they apply to the program.
  • Upon enrollment, students track through the approved concentration area of their choice. Each concentration has a coordinator who is responsible for overseeing curriculum development and applying program policies in his/her concentration. Each student is assigned a faculty member who serves as their primary faculty advisor to provide individual guidance and advice.
  • The first four semesters usually involve traditional coursework, while the last semester is devoted to a practice-based internship, which includes a special project.
  • The 48-credit curriculum has been designed to encourage the development of competence in key public health skills and to meet current standards in the field of public health, Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH) accreditation criteria, and the college’s mission, goals, and objectives.