Areas of specialization for graduate research include astrophysics and cosmology, atomic and molecular physics, biological physics, chemical physics, condensed matter physics (theory and experiment), nuclear physics, particle physics (theory and experiment), statistical physics, and low temperature physics. Special interdisciplinary research programs include the Institute for Fundamental Theory (carried out jointly with the Department of Mathematics), the Institute for Theoretical and Computational Studies in Molecular and Materials Science (carried out jointly with the Department of Chemistry), the Institute of High Energy and Particle Astrophysics, and Microfabritech (jointly with the College of Engineering). A curriculum is offered by the Center for Chemical Physics for students interested in research related to chemistry or chemical engineering. The Center for Condensed Matter Sciences provides opportunities for investigations in a diverse range of subjects and fields, including the Microkelvin Research Laboratory. The University of Florida operates the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory jointly with Florida State University and Los Alamos National Laboratory.